Director, Narrator & Composer
Ian Harris
Running Time 4' 31''
Format DV 
Filmed in the UK, France & Italy

A Sanskrit word, Mayavada is the philosophy that the world is an illusion.
Images of Venice seen through a Venetian festival mask illustrate the concept of the world as an illusion.This film has an intimate quality, where the artist as narrator and image is found revealed at the centre. The narrator role both explains and expands the imagery within the work.

(Extract from narrator text)

"I explore the narrative where nothing exists without music. The universe itself is said to have been framed by a kind of harmony of sounds, and the heaven itself revolves under the tone of that harmony. In our lifetimes, I wonder that perhaps part of the defence of ourselves as searchers for the elemental, the natural and universal is the sense of our experience of the ephemeral, the esoteric. Shifting visual stimulations are constantly slipping away, only a small window of experience can be captured. Moments which begin and end a universe."

"Parlo di racconti che non hanno ragione di esistere senza la musica. Si dice che lo stesso universo abbia trovato il proprio ordine grazie a una qualche armonia di suoni e persino i movimenti del cielo obbediscono ai toni di questa armonia. Nella nostra vita, mi viene da pensare, forse la nostra ricerca degli elementi, del naturale e dell'universale nasce dalla nostra esperienza dell'effimero, dell'esoterico. Stimoli visivi sempre nuovi si susseguono senza tregua e a noi non è dato coglierne ogni volta che un piccolo frammento. Momenti in cui un intero universo nasce e muore."


This short film was created to be shown within the context of a gallery space.  Please contact Ian for further information.

text & stills © Ian Harris 2006